Voice Maintenance and Inspection Applications 

Jeff Wereb, Account Manager/Voice Solutions Expert

OCTOBER 6, 2023

SMG3’s Voice Inspection Software allows customers to perform their inspections while keeping their eyes and hands free. You may be wondering what this means to you, so here are six benefits of investing: 

  1. Regulatory Compliance
  2. Ensured Compliance to Standard (Ensure all steps get completed in the same order across multiple locations)
  3. Process Improvement
  4. Improved Safety
  5. Faster Onboarding and Training
  6. Real-Time Updates of Inspection Systems of Record

Instead of completing checklists with a clipboard and pen, SMG3 Voice inspection customers hear prompts through a Bluetooth headset (like the Honeywell SRX3) and verbally dictate their inspection results to the software built into a mobile computer (like the Honeywell CT30XP). Some workflows even require photos and videos of the inspection, which you can take on the CT30XP along the way. 

The technician’s response to the prompt is then captured and converted to text, completing the form in real-time. You can say goodbye to illegible markings on grease-covered checklists that take unnecessary time to decipher. Instead, we shorten the inspection time through immediate updates of the inspection system of record by the voice inspection software. Regulatory compliance is ensured as inspections are scheduled within the configured regulatory parameters. Since the technician follows all the prompts in the order they are received, compliance with inspection standards becomes ensured. This compliance expands to multisite facilities, assuring fleet managers that their teams across multiple sites are all inspecting the fleet in the same manner; this not possible with clipboard and pen checklists.

Our Voice Inspection Software allows technicians to have their eyes and hands free, removing encumbrance from them and allowing better mobility and awareness during their inspections. It boosts safety as they are more equipped to keep a close eye at the point of inspection, not constantly bouncing back and forth between the subject of the inspection and scanning through a checklist. The use of voice prompts also allows for newer technicians to be trained quicker and brings them to productive and accurate inspections sooner. As they receive each step, they are required to respond to it, creating an intrinsic training modality with the soft benefit of having a virtual supervisor speak each step to the new technician.

SMG3’s Voice Inspection Software provides all these benefits and many more. Please visit www.smg3.com/Voice for more information.

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